Benefits to Employee Wellbeing
Allowing dogs into the workplace can have extraordinary benefits for the wellbeing of employees, and the dogs themselves! Having a furry friend to keep you company throughout the workday can help elevate your mood since the hormones which make us happy and relaxed – oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine – are produced when we pet and play with dogs. Similarly, there is a decrease in the levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) and blood pressure.
Caring for a pet also gives structure to your day. Daily habits such as walking and feeding the dog give you a routine to follow which is beneficial to mental wellbeing. Dogs also remind us to take regular breaks throughout the day. Taking 5 minutes to walk the dog or play with your pup can significantly relieve stress and clear your mind, allowing you to return to work refreshed and energised. In the end, decreased stress and elevated mood all contribute to increased productivity and better quality of work.

Dogs Can Make a More Positive Work Environment
Spending the day with your dog is great for them too! It allows them to experience new situations and interact with new people. According to Paws In Work, a ‘lack of socialisation in dogs can result in emotional and behavioural issues’. By exposing puppies to new sensations at an early age they will be less likely to be fearful and aggressive in new situations.
Bringing in a dog can benefit the entire office. A dog can function as an icebreaker and help colleagues build relationships and subsequently develop better communication and teamwork skills. However, the decision to allow a dog into the workplace must be agreed upon by everyone – it’s important to consider everyone’s preferences, allergies, and phobias. Additionally, consider if your working environment is suitable for your dog. Will you have enough time to give your dog the attention it needs? Will your dog be comfortable in your workplace and are they well-behaved enough to be around others?
Overall, there is a wealth of evidence to support the benefits of bringing your dog to work. Dogs can improve employees’ mental well-being by relieving stress and elevating moods and they also encourage employees to take regular breaks, contributing to better cognitive function. Better quality of work is produced when employees have good mental well-being. Caring for another being can be immensely rewarding and joyful, and a dog in the workplace allows employees to bond and strengthen relationships.
Our office dog Luna certainly puts a smile on our faces!