Sage 200 Financials

Know the financial position of your company at any point in time

Manage your financial position with Sage Financials

Ensure you know the financial position of your company at any point in time. Analyse historical trends and data to give you the accurate information you need to make critical business decisions.

Accurate and up to the minute finances

Be precise with your business finances. Track budgets, drill down into data and deal with all your VAT submissions.

Interactive Dashboards

Use Interactive Dashboards for sales, purchases, sales orders and financials, giving you an even greater view of the health of your business.

Fast track your financials

Cut out the tedious task of re-keying bank payments and connect Sage 200 with your bank account.
Watch transactions flow seamlessly into Sage 200 and you simply confirm what you want to post or match — saving you hours of valuable time to focus on more important tasks.

Flexible accounting periods

Gain greater control over your accounting periods, with up to 20 accounting periods, which can be open, closed and re-opened as needed. You can also control the length of period and set up period structures in
advance for future years.

Flexible nominal code structure

Enjoy the benefit of in depth analysis and reporting. Set up departments and cost centres as well as Profit and Loss, balance sheet and cash flow reporting with the option to group accounts for reporting purposes. Make adjustments to previous year journals and roll changes forward to ensure your accounts are accurate and up to date.

Batch data upload

Enter a batch of journals and place transactions on hold for authorisation before committing them to the
Nominal Ledger.

VAT flexibility

Choose VAT inclusive or exclusive prices. Online VAT submissions are built in, ensuring you comply with Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) regulations.

Automated statements

Save time by setting up processes, allowing you to send statements directly to customers.


Get a view of all outstanding customer payments and invoices to help you maintain cashflow easily, with details of the day they are paid, frequency, number of payments made, number still to pay and much more.

Sage 200 Financials

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